"Kanybek Isakov," a psychological portrait book is released

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"Kanybek Isakov," a psychological portrait book is released


The book "Kanybek Isakov" (psychological portrait) of former Kyrgyzstan Minister of Education and Science, former rector of Osh State University, teacher, and scientist Kanybek Isakov was presented.

Rector Kudaiberdi Kozhobekov, faculty, students, friends, and family members attended the event. In addition, a movie produced by the faculty of Kyrgyz Philology and Journalism was displayed.

Mamatali Murzaev is the book's author. The author attempts to expose Kanybek Isakov's psychological portrait in the book, elaborating on the reformer's secrets of success, as well as his development as an excellent, visionary, and managerial leader and his works at Osh State University.

 Professor Kanybek Isakov, was born in the village of Kyzyl-Teyit, Nookat district, Osh region, in 1969. In 1987, he enrolled at Osh State University and graduated with honors in 1993. He began his career as a lecturer at Osh State University's Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Kyrgyz Philology, in 1993. He was the rector of Osh State University and Osh Humanitarian-Pedagogical University.
