OshSU “Center of Excellence” Marks Two Years of Success and Future Collaboration

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OshSU “Center of Excellence” Marks Two Years of Success and Future Collaboration


Osh State University’s “Center of Excellence” presented its achievements over the past two years. On September 16, Baktygul Omurzakova, an education expert from the Asian Development Bank in Kyrgyzstan, and Nurlan Atakanov, a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science, reviewed the center’s progress.

During the meeting, Oldjobai Shaimkulov, Director of the Industrial and Pedagogical College, provided details on the center’s operations. Omurzakova acknowledged that the center is functioning as planned, and the group discussed future collaborations. Additionally, winners of the Ministry-organized “My College” competition were awarded gifts.

Established in 2022 with financial backing from the Asian Development Bank, the center houses sewing workshops, software enterprises, and guest rooms for academic mobility students and visiting educators. It also includes a student dormitory.

The center serves as a practical training base for students studying sewing and programming, allowing them to merge theory with hands-on experience. The products they create will be sold in the OshSU brand store.

The Industrial and Pedagogical College of Osh State University has been part of the “Industry Development Program: Skills for Inclusive Growth” since 2018, a project supported by the Asian Development Bank and overseen by the Ministry of Education.
