30 years of the State Flag

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30 years of the State Flag


   On March 3, a patriotic event dedicated to the State Flag of the Kyrgyz Republic was held at Osh State University.
  The anthem of the Kyrgyz Republic and then patriotic songs of the Kyrgyz people were performed by talented students. Rector of OshSU Kudaiberdi Kozhobekov congratulated on the Day of the State Flag, one of the main symbols and attributes of Kyrgyzstan.

   The state flag was approved by the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz Republic on March 3, 1992. It is a red cloth with a golden disc of the sun in the center, embodying the tunduk of a yurt with 40 golden rays. The flag was designed by Edil Aidarbekov, Bekbosun Zhaichybekov, Sabyr Iptarov, Zhusup Mataev, and Mamatbek Sydykov.

   Happy 30th anniversary of the Kyrgyz State Flag!
