OshSU is third on Eurasian University Ranking

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OshSU is third on Eurasian University Ranking


Today, university rankings play a significant role in the improvement of educational quality and actively influence the educational landscape, making it evident to the academic community, students, and employers how competitive and reputable a university is. The international ranking, which is intended to inform society about the top universities, is currently receiving a lot of attention from the general public as the global educational system enters a new stage of development.

An important occasion and major acknowledgement for the Eurasian educational area is the international ranking of an independent accreditation and rating agency called the "IAAR Eurasian University Ranking (IAAR EUR)". The primary competitive advantage and the Quality Mark for universities is their participation in the IAAR EUR worldwide ranking. In the Eurasian academic community, "IAAR Eurasian University Ranking (IAAR EUR)" is regarded as a quality indicator.

Osh State University placed third in the "IAAR Eurasian University Rankings-2022," an international ranking of the top universities in Eurasia. The Al-Farabi Kazakh National University won first place, and the Russian Financial University took second.

The certificate was presented at the sixth Central Asian International Forum on Quality Assurance in Education, which took place in Almaty on October 7 and 8.

The international rating includes the top universities from Kazakhstan, the Netherlands, India, Turkey, Latvia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and other countries.