The Indian Diwali Festival was Celebrated At OshSU

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The Indian Diwali Festival was Celebrated At OshSU


The Indian Diwali holiday was held at the International Medical Faculty of OshSU. The festival was attended by Osh vice-mayor Mars Isaev, Osh State University rector Kudaiberdi Kozhobekov, faculty and students. The event began with the performance of the national anthems of Kyrgyzstan and India. Edil Baisalov, the deputy chairman of the Kyrgyz Republic's cabinet of ministers congratulated Indian students studying at OshSU on the national Diwali holiday.

One of the greatest Hindu holidays is Diwali, which is widely observed throughout India. The Festival of Lights is held on the third day of the holiday's five-day celebration. During the festival, beautiful fireworks are set off, traditional dipa lamps are lit.

At OshSU, this festival is observed annually. Students from India who are enrolled in the international medical faculty are the organizers and active participants. They performed a variety of national customs and rituals connected to the festival of Diwali.

