Naming the newspaper Nur

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Naming the newspaper Nur


Candidate of historical sciences, docent, ethnographer Abdimital Murzakmetov:

Satybaldi Mamytov suggested the name "Nur"

The “Nur” newspaper at OshSU celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. I have the chance to see this newspaper’s first publishing. At that time I was a 4th-year student at the Faculty of Kyrgyz Philology. Osh State University was known as Osh State Pedagogical Institute. The institute established a student union, which got to work supporting students. I was the first chairman of the Student Union of the faculty, and the chairman of the Institute’s Student Union was my bandmate and friend Kanybek Isakov.

At this time, Satybaldy Mamytov, candidate of Russian Philology, Mamatemin Erkebayev, candidate of Philosophy, Kanybek Isakov, and I discussed the idea of publishing the university's own newspaper. The idea of creating a newspaper excited us all. We were happy that the university will have its own newspaper. After discussing the issue, we began to suggest some names. As we discuss names like “Ene-Sai”, “Voice of the Students”, and “Student”, Satybaldy Mamytov suggested giving the journal the name “Nur”. We all decided to name the newspaper “Nur” with the goal of establishing a newspaper that treats students and lecturers fairly and upholds their rights.

The late Mamatemin Erkebaev, the “Nur” newspaper's initial editor, the late Satybaldy Mamatov, who chose the name and slogan, and even the paper's editor, Kanybek Isakov, who helped the publication grow and put numerous ideas into practice, passed away. However, “Nur” newspaper that they contributed to, is still active and continues to be published.