The IX regional student scientific conference took place at OshSU

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The IX regional student scientific conference took place at OshSU


The IX regional student scientific conference "Student and Scientific-Technical Progress" took place at Osh State University on November 26, 2022.

Leading students, graduate students and their scientific advisors, and heads of science and postgraduate departments also attended the meeting.

Five higher education students presented reports during the plenary conference. The conference's work went on in 17 sections, each of which focused on a different branch of science.

"This annual gathering, which began in 2014, has developed into a common, useful forum for the student community and young scientists to debate and apply the findings of their scientific research. Such activities support graduate and undergraduate students' scientific research development and their formation as specialists. The regional conference also strengthens ties amongst young people who are interested in science and helps to unite students' thoughts. At plenary and sectional meetings, over 400 young scientists' scientific papers were discussed, and the best speakers received diplomas "-, said Guljamal Anarbaeva, director of postgraduate studies and conference organizer.





