New issue of The Nur Newspaper

Main News

New issue of The Nur Newspaper

In this edition, you can read the following articles on the newspaper page:

1. NEW BRAND in the New Year;

2. Presidential and Citizen Scholarship Holders;

3. President of Osh State University, Professor K. G. Kozhobekov:


4. Maksat Totobaev, Head of the Department of National and International Ratings of OshSU:

“Entering the QS Ranking will allow us to further develop”.

5. The Film Academy is a home of new talents

6. Dinara Kamchybekova, winner of the Silver Medal, student of the medical department of Osh State University:

  "When I was fighting, 30 seconds was like 30 years for me"

7. Complete the CROSSWORD

The Nur Newspaper

You can get the newspaper from the main building of OshSU (Duyshonbek Bektemir uulu +996703415379)