OshSPU and OshSU exchange experience in the direction of digitization

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OshSPU and OshSU exchange experience in the direction of digitization


The Osh State Pedagogical University team led by the rector Bekmurza Zuluev visited OshSU for the purpose of exchange of experience.

During the meeting, the rectors of the two educational institutions exchanged views and noted that the two universities have been working together in the field of education. OshSU President Kudaiberdi Kozhobekov informed that all actions at the university are fully implemented in electronic format.

"Electronic magazine, electronic syllabus, electronic archive, electronic spreadsheet, electronic table, electronic hospital, online election system, "OshSU lecturer", "OshSU student", "OshSU applicant" applications are being used in real activities. The centralized library of the university is also fully digitized. These programs were created by programmers-specialists of OshSU. Currently, these activities are being extended to all higher education institutions of the country"-, said the rector.

After the meeting, the delegation got acquainted with the digital activity of OshSU, its achievements, the basis of the electronic work management system, and the work process.
