A Focus on the Fourth Industrial Revolution at Osh State University's International Conference

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A Focus on the Fourth Industrial Revolution at Osh State University's International Conference


On December 1, 2023, Osh State University hosted an international conference titled “Scientific and Technological Advancements in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” The event was dedicated to commemorating five years of efforts towards the development of mountainous regions, in line with the UN's “Sustainable Mountain Development” resolution, and celebrated the 70th birthday of Idrisbek Kenzhaev, a distinguished academic and engineer.

The conference welcomed participants from various governmental bodies in Osh, alongside notable scholars from Russia, Israel, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Rector Kudaiberdi Kozhobekov inaugurated and presided over the conference.

During the plenary session, scholars presented reports on diverse topics encompassing energy, renewable resources, and advancements in academia. Later in the day, the conference divided into six specialized sections to delve deeper into discussions and presentations.

The conference culminated with the adoption of a resolution that encapsulated the achievements and key outcomes of the gathering. Idrisbek Kenzhaev, born on December 1, 1953, has been a significant figure in academia, making substantial contributions to Osh State University for over two decades. He spearheaded the establishment of the “Innovative Technologies in Power Engineering” scientific school and oversaw numerous successful academic ventures, including supervising dissertations, leading research projects, publishing scholarly works, and securing patents.






