75th anniversary of Professor Kapar Zulpukarov

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75th anniversary of Professor Kapar Zulpukarov


   Osh State University hosted an international scientific-practical conference devoted to the 75th anniversary of Doctor of Philology, Professor Kapar Zulpukarov.

   The conference participants were well-known scientists, rectors, teachers, students, colleagues and students from Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other universities in the country.

   Rector of Osh State University Kudaiberdi Kojobekov spoke about the activities of Professor Kapar Zulpukarov, his achievements in science, a scientist who has contributed to the development of Osh State University from its inception to the present day. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic S. Musaev, Vice-Rector of Fergana State University, Professor A. Urinov, Professor of the Bishkek Humanities University A. Sydykov, Professor of JASU I. Abduvaliev made congratulatory speeches.

  Under the supervision of Professor Kapar Zulpukarov, 5 doctors of sciences and 26 candidates of sciences defended their dissertations in general, comparative-typological, Russian, German and Kyrgyz linguistics.
