Muhammed Ruzubay, a Turkish journalist, visited Osh State University

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Muhammed Ruzubay, a Turkish journalist, visited Osh State University


Afghan Kyrgyz Muhammed Ruzubai, a Turkish journalist who serves as the government of Turkey's press secretary for Anadolu, is the editor-in-chief of the Business Turk magazine and a recipient of numerous international honors. He recently paid a visit to Osh State University and met with Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Zamirbek Bojonov. The visitor discussed his journalistic pursuits and acquainted the audience with his work in historical event research. Z. Bojonov indicated interest in working on a project together. Muhammed Ruzubai took part in the ethno-folklore festival "Uzgen-Minaret-2022" and the international scientific conference "Ancient Uzgen and the Minaret of Imam Sirakhsi", held at Osh State University as part of the festival.

Journalist Muhammed Ruzubay received certificates from Pamukkale University, Osh State University, and the worldwide organization for Turkic culture, TURKSOY, for his active involvement in the conference and festival and commitment to the fostering of relationships.
