A mobile team of doctors is on duty 24 hours a day

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A mobile team of doctors is on duty 24 hours a day


Families evacuated from the perilous situation on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border began receiving medical aid from OshSU's post-graduate medical education center's teachers, interns, and clinic doctors.

The mobile group conducts medical examinations, offers guidance, and provides needed medications to people. The mobile group is on duty day and night in the dormitories where Batken’s people stay. Anara Zhanbayeva, director of the Osh State Medical University's post-graduate medical education center, and Jazgul Imetova, director of the medical clinic, are in charge of the mobile group.

Additionally, the lecturers of the Faculty of Medicine's Department of Internal Medicine 3 offer necessary aid with the help of volunteer students.
