OshSU: Help for Batken

Main News

OshSU: Help for Batken


The Osh State University headquarters, which was established to aid Batken and Chon-Alai, is still hard at work. Currently, local residents, educators, and students are bringing food, clothing, and essential hygiene items to the main building. They are also contributing money.

In the dormitories of the OshSU, 700 places were prepared for the citizens who were evacuated from the villages of Batken bordering with Tajikistan, and 500 of them were accommodated. They were given three hot meals, provided with necessary washing and cleaning supplies and clothes. Also, food and clothes are being delivered to 20 Batken families who came to the city and settled in apartments, and to students from Batken.

The money accumulated in the headquarters set up in front of OshSU was used to cover the travel costs of 22 individuals who traveled by automobile to their family in Bishkek and 3 citizens who traveled by plane.

In addition, 98 large bags of clothing were sent to the Osh Mayor’s Office headquarters. A family residing at the border in Leilek received food. A pregnant woman who was living in the dormitory received all the necessary supplies and clothing before being taken to the maternity hospital. Five of the new residents of OshSU have currently been taken to the hospital. The OshSU clinic is providing medical care for two of them.
