Cultural programs for the children of Batken

Main News

Cultural programs for the children of Batken


The children who were evacuated from the border districts of the Batken region are given cultural and educational events by the English teachers at Osh State University and the teachers from the KG TESOL association. Thus, 60 children participate in cultural and educational activities that are organized for them by Osh State University English teachers and teachers from the KG TESOL association. They planned a trip to the Marilyn movie theater for 60 kids, followed by a meal at Pizz Burg. A program of entertainment was given by the organizers and volunteers. "We interact with kids and plan a range of cultural and educational events for them. Even though we had earlier agreed to entertain 30 kids, there ended up being 60 of them. Despite it the staff members of the theater and pizza place were really gracious. We express our gratitude for their kindness. Let there be peace in our nation”, said Zhamila Zhailieva, one of the activities' organizers.

