Plan for winter admission of applicants

Main News

Plan for winter admission of applicants


An order to arrange and carry out countrywide testing of applicants for admission to higher educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2022 was approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic on October 17, 2022. (winter admission).

The decree specifies that testing will take place between November 24 and November 30, 2022.

The Kyrgyz Republic's Procedure for University Admission, as outlined in Kyrgyz Republic Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 355 of June 30, 2022, served as the foundation for the approval of the order.

The district (city) departments of education will offer online registration for national testing (for winter admission) from October 17 to October 27, 2022.

Those who completed a general secondary or secondary vocational education, as attested by a state document, and who will not be enrolled in a university during the 2022–2023 academic year are eligible to register.

Only those applicants chosen and admitted to higher education institutions in the Kyrgyz Republic pursuant to a tuition fee payment arrangement are considered for admission during the winter semester (contract form of education).

Plan for winter intake

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