Faculty of Medicine students acquiring experience at Turkish hospitals

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Faculty of Medicine students acquiring experience at Turkish hospitals


13 Osh State University students are studying in Sivas Republic University in Turkey during the autumn semester of the 2022–2023 academic year. Five of them are medical students. Students from the Medical Faculty also visit Turkish hospitals where they learn how to welcome patients and take part in various surgical and operational procedures. Additionally, students are learning how to care for patients following surgery and assist in their health recovery.

Additionally, during practice, students got the chance to work with a particular patient who was assigned to them. The students reported that the faculty and staff at the institution welcomed them with open arms.

Professor Alim Yildiz, the rector of Sivas Republic University, paid a visit to OshSU last year. Within the parameters of that trip, agreements on tight cooperation were established.

In this regard, in the fall semester of the 2021-2022 academic year, 22 students, and in the spring semester, 25 students received education within the framework of the mixed educational program.
