Student newspaper Nur is 30 years old

Main News

Student newspaper Nur is 30 years old


The Nur student newspaper was established in 1992. It was registered as a student social and cultural newspaper with the Osh region's Department of Justice on September 27, 2001 (registration number 106, 2001.27.09. No. 000703). Currently, the newspaper has an 8-pag and a 3500 copy circulation.

The following individuals served as editors over the years: Mamatemin Erkebaev (1992–1993), Satybaldy Mamytov (1993–1994), Alisher Toksonbaev (1994–1955), Kanybek Isakov (1995–1997), Alisher Zhusupov (1997–1998), Kenzhe Paizova (1998–1999), Turgunbay Aldakulov (1999–2001), Zamirbek Bojonov (2001 (2020-2021). The editor has been Duishonbek Bektemir uulu since 2021.


