Tourism industry experts gathered at OshSU

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Tourism industry experts gathered at OshSU


A round table on the integration and promotion of energy and resource efficiency in the tourism education curricula of OshSU was held.

Experts from the Academy of Tourism and the PERETO project “Promotion of energy and resource efficiency in the tourism industry of Kyrgyzstan” are attending the event, which is being sponsored by the university. Faculty members from the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tourism, and Agrarian Technologies participated in the meeting.

The specialists from the PERETO project and the Academy of Tourism spoke about the goals and vision for their collaboration, the updating of educational curricula, and the implementation of projects in the hospitality and tourism sectors.

Academy of Tourism and Osh State University were two higher education institutions in Kyrgyzstan that participated in the PERETO project, which was sponsored by the European Union on a pilot basis. If it is done properly, it will be included in other universities that educate students in the area of tourism.

There will be talks and presentations about the application of energy and resource efficiency in the field of education over the course of the two-day event.
