Osh State University and Pamukkale University will host a joint, international scientific conference

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Osh State University and Pamukkale University will host a joint, international scientific conference


The Turkish delegation led by Mehmet Akshit, head of the Gaye Foundation paid a visit to Osh State University and met with the president of Osh State University Kudaiberdi Kozhobekov, and the dean of the theological department Zaylabidin Azhimatov.

The parties talked about the collaboration between Osh State University and Pamukkale University. Also, they decided to host a joint, international scientific conference dedicated to Imam Serakhsi at Pamukkale University in Denizli, on October 5-6, 2023. Moreover, the translation of Serakhsi’s 30-volume book "Al Mabsut" into the Kyrgyz language was considered.