Head of the Psychology Chair participated in the exchange program in Brussels

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Head of the Psychology Chair participated in the exchange program in Brussels


Docent Akchach Zholdosheva, head of the Chair of Psychology participated in the exchange program in Brussels.

As part of the visit, she took part in a 72-hour course on "The function of modern education and the development of knowledge required by the economic market".

“The exchange of experiences included touring the royal library and learning about the functions of the European Parliament. We visited the Ch. Aitmatov museum-office in Brussels. We also paid a visit to the University of Libre (ULB) Faculty of Psychology where we attended a lecture on the subject of "Research on the Belgian model of education modernization". Along with it, we learned about the Sorbonne University's educational system in Paris and participated in the trainings on "Professionalization of the pedagogical and scientific activities of the teacher" and "The future of management activities. What will we teach students?" I also made a report on the psychology program at Osh State University”-, said Akchach Zholdosheva.


