Scientific research reforms of the Ministry of Education and Science

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Scientific research reforms of the Ministry of Education and Science


On January 12, the university hosted the first day of a scientific-methodological seminar titled “Reforms of the Ministry of Education and Science in the Field of Scientific Research and Modern Resources Supporting Scientific Research”.

At the seminar, Zhyldyzbek Zhakshylykov, head of the research department of the Ministry of Education and Science, made a presentation. Ruslan Arapbaev, university's vice president for scientific affairs, lecturers and post-graduate students took part at the seminar.

Writing scientific projects, project management, project structures, substance, and form, international funding and organizations, creating international teams, and obtaining foreign grants were all aspects covered in Zhyldyzbek Zhakshylykov's presentation. He also discussed how to establish scientific partnerships with leading researchers around the globe and details of the Ministry's funding competition for research projects.
