Seminar on Writing and Publishing Articles in Scientific Journals of the Scopus Database

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Seminar on Writing and Publishing Articles in Scientific Journals of the Scopus Database


The Department of Scientific Research at Osh State University hosted a seminar for lecturers on Writing and Publishing Articles in Scientific Journals of the Scopus Database from February 6 to February 10, 2023.

Thematic reports were presented at the training seminar, and participants received in-depth information on how to choose appropriate topics and methodology for writing articles (using the Stata program), search for scientific journals listed in the Scopus database (using the SCIMAGO system), and assess the qualitity of scientific journals (quartile of journals, OPEN ACCESS etc.).

The training was arranged with the intention of stepping up efforts to satisfy regional rating standards. In total, almost 370 lecturers attended the training seminar and obtained the required information.
