Eduroam wi-fi starts working at OshSU

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Eduroam wi-fi starts working at OshSU


OshSU entered the European research and education network GEANT. In this instance, OshSU has the chance to collaborate on joint scientific research and the development of integrated educational programs, get remote virtual access to scientific resources, participate in international video conferences, and use international Wi-Fi roaming services on Eduroam networks.

Through the technological capabilities of GEANT, it is possible to use the modern resources of the world’s leading universities. It is also feasible to decode genetic data, model climate change, forecast epidemic spread, and perform other tasks.

To use the Eduroam wi-fi service, you must first obtain a login and password from the university and then connect to eduroam wi-fi. With that login and password, you can access the Internet for free in all university buildings. You will now have a free Internet connection wherever the Wi-Fi of the eduroam international project works.

Eduroam (educational roaming) is a global Wi-Fi roaming service created by the European network consortium GÉANT for the scientific and educational communities.

Wifi-eduroam is currently being installed in academic buildings and dormitories of the university. In the coming days, the university employees and students will fully use the service.