Preventive meeting with international students

Main News

Preventive meeting with international students


Employees of the department for work with foreign citizens and the consular service of Osh State University and representatives of law enforcement agencies met with foreign students of the international medical faculty. The head of the "Sulaiman Too" department of the Osh Department of Internal Affairs, police major Akylbek Mateminov, and his colleagues gave information about the rights of students and expressed their readiness to protect their rights.They also asked them not to be duped by various announcements on social media, to store their belongings securely, to avoid walking on the street after nightfall, and to report any suspicious activity. Along with this, police officers warned about the danger of links with extremist and terrorist organizations.

At the meeting, foreign students were briefed about the protocols on administrative violations. For example, after two warnings, a foreign citizen is deported from the country.

Similar preventive meetings will be held in other faculties in the coming days.
