The university protects the mountain ecosystem

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The university protects the mountain ecosystem


The team led by the OshSU president, Kudaiberdi Kozhobekov, and lecturers and students of the Natural Sciences, Tourism and Agrarian Technologies Faculty and the International Ozgen Medical College participated in the restoration work of pastures in the area of landslides in Jalpak-Tash village of Ozgen.

In this area, lecturers and students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tourism and Agrarian Technologies conducted scientific research and planted 7,000 seedlings in the pasture for the purpose of landscaping.

OshSU president Kudaiberdi Kojobekov handed over to the Jalpak-Tash village a mini-tractor with modern equipment purchased under the OshSU’s program of support of domestic research grands. The tractor can move in the area where there are avalanches. Tree planting works are carried out with the help of this technique.

It should be noted that in Kyrgyzstan, 2022 is the year of "Protection of Mountain Ecosystems and Climate Stability", and as part of it, the national event "Green Heritage" was extended for 5 years.

