The State Secretary of the Kyrgyz Republic met with Osh city students

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The State Secretary of the Kyrgyz Republic met with Osh city students


Today, April 26, the State Secretary of the Kyrgyz Republic Suyunbek Kasmambetov in the large assembly hall of Osh State University met with university students in Osh as part of the forum “The Place of Youth in Kyrgyz Values”.

The rector of Osh State University Kudaiberdi Kozhobekov, vice-mayor of Osh city Nurbek Kadyrov, students, youth activists of the city took part in the event. The participants discussed the place of youth in the preservation of the values of the Kyrgyz people and the transfer of the spiritual and cultural heritage of their ancestors to future generations.

The purpose of the meeting was to promote youth patriotism while conserving national traditions and values. Participants asked plenty of questions and were given in-depth responses on the subject at hand.
