A monument to Nasirdin Isanov will be unveiled at Osh State University

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A monument to Nasirdin Isanov will be unveiled at Osh State University


On August 31, 2023, the Osh State University will hold a scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Nasirdin Isanov, a prominent state and political figure, entitled "The role of Nasirdin Isanov in the independent path of Kyrgyzstan: experiences and challenges".

As part of the conference, the opening ceremony of the monument to Nasirdin Isanov will take place in the main building of Osh State University with the participation of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Japarov Sadyr Nurkojoevich.

At the conference, the stages of development, significant political occurrences, difficulties, and successes of Kyrgyzstan since independence will be examined.

As the first head of the Kyrgyz government, Nasirdin Isanov played a significant historical role in the political life of the nation and contributed to the creation of the new political system.

The conference will be held in the OshSU`s main assembly hall from 10:00 to 16:00.

Address: 331 Lenin Street, Osh, Kyrgyz Republic.

Contact phone: +9963222 7 08 28

e-mail: science@oshsu.kg