Collaborative ties with Uzbek universities are strengthening

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Collaborative ties with Uzbek universities are strengthening


Dilshodbek Abdullaev, the representative of the Fergana branch of the Tashkent Institute for Advanced Training of Physical Culture and Sports Specialists visited OshSU and met with Kursantbek Attokurov, the Vice-Rector for External Relations at Osh State University.

During this meeting, Kursantbek Attokurov provided an extensive overview of Osh State University's multifaceted initiatives and its material and technical base. He emphasized the significance of forging collaborative ties with universities in Uzbekistan.

Dilshodbek Abdullayev, in turn, conveyed his keen interest in establishing a partnership with Osh State University and expressed his intention to sign a memorandum.

It's noteworthy that Osh State University has already cultivated partnerships with over 40 universities in Uzbekistan.
