The winter edition of the “Bulletin of Osh State University” has been released

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The winter edition of the “Bulletin of Osh State University” has been released


The materials from the winter issue (No. 4/2023) of the “Bulletin of Osh State University” have been released and are accessible through the following link:


The international multidisciplinary scientific journal “Bulletin of Osh State University” has been published since 2000.

The journal is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic for publishing the main results of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of sciences, as well as postgraduates in the field of natural, humanitarian, social, economic, social and other sciences.

The journal is indexed in RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index).

Journal articles are registered in CrossRef and each author’s article must be assigned a DOI - a digital object identifier that is used to provide citations, links and access to electronic documents.

Electronic versions of the “Bulletin of Osh State University” materials are posted on the websites, in the public domain.