Osh State University: A Sacred Institution for Fostering Humanity

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Osh State University: A Sacred Institution for Fostering Humanity


Baish Tolenov

Graduate of the 1974 Faculty of Philology at Osh State University. Correspondent and editor at the state television and radio company “ELTR”.


Initially, I embarked on a career in radio journalism, where I highlighted and celebrated the work and methods of various heroes through numerous reports, interviews, and radio essays. Since 1984, my professional journey has continued in the television industry, where I expanded my expertise.

I created films in the genre of evaluative essays on simple professions such as cotton pickers, beet growers, milkmen, and industrial workers, bringing their stories to the viewers. These included Heroes of Socialist Labor like Turgun Mashrapova, Kerimbubu Shopokova, Mariam Uzdenova, and others, as well as artists like Jolon Mamytov, Karmyshak Tashbaev, Jolboldu Alibaev, and Mamatibraim Bostonkulov. Additionally, I produced sports programs and covered several national competitions starting with the First Spartakiad of the people of Kyrgyzstan in 1996. My programs, such as “Kytygyi” and “People and the Law,” which focused on protecting citizens’ rights, were well-received by the audience.

Other programs like “Industry Does Not Choose a Profession,” “Omur Seresi,” “Meeting Zone,” and “When the Word Comes” also garnered positive responses. I successfully covered significant events such as the First World Kyrgyz Congress, the 180th anniversary of Kurmanjan Datka in 1991, and the first organization of the Nomad Games in 2014.

Throughout the years, I have achieved numerous successes. Since 1980, I have been a member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR and Kyrgyzstan and have received many accolades. Notably, in 1995, I received a Certificate of Honor from the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, and in 2008, I was honored with the title of Honored Cultural Worker of the Kyrgyz Republic. I have had the privilege of interviewing notable figures such as female cosmonaut V.N. Tereshkova, Prime Minister of Pakistan B. Bhutto, and J. Dudayev, bringing their stories to the television audience.

The education I received at Osh State University has been an invaluable treasure in achieving the goals I set in my youth. The instructors who guided us back then, such as Zhinaly Sheriev, Akbar Sydykov, Suyuntbek Ibragimov, Namazbek Beyshekeev, Dzhumash Mamytov, Bulbul Suranchieva, Zholchubek Beshimov, and Murza Sulaymanov, were exceptional scholars.

OshSU continually illuminates the path of life, encouraging people to embrace humanity and providing sacred education and training.