Osh State University: A Journey of Youth, Knowledge, and First Love

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Osh State University: A Journey of Youth, Knowledge, and First Love


Zhypargul Kozhoeva, graduate of the Faculty of Russian Philology in 1992, producer of the “Muras” center of the ELTR TV channel, author, editor, host of the talk show “Koz Karash”.

In 1996-2005 I worked as a presenter, editor, and producer at OshTV. From 2005 to the present I have been working at ELTR. Over the years, I was the director of the “Mezgil” news department, the producer of the “Kutman Tan” center, and the socio-political program “Ata Jurt”. Currently I work as a producer at the “Muras” cultural center.

In 1999, during the terrorist invasion of the Batken region, I was the first journalist to work on the scene. For this work, as the first young journalist, they awarded me the Certificate of Honor of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2000.


In 1987, when I entered the Osh Pedagogical Institute, it was the only prestigious university in the southern region.

We studied with such famous teachers and mentors as P. Sidler, S.V. Nekhorosheva, R.G. Groza, T.P. Appolonova, M.I. Trofimov, N.M. Muradymov, S.I. Ibragimov, O.O. Heinze, T. Ashirbaev, P. Irisov. I am grateful to them for their knowledge and education, which served as the beginning of my successful professional activity.

Osh State University for me is my youth, a source of knowledge, first love, first steps into an independent life.


From the book “From Osh State University to Media”.
