Publication about Osh State University in the world education QS news journal

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Publication about Osh State University in the world education QS news journal


QS Global Education News published information about the medical clinic of Osh State University. It states that Osh State University is a pioneer among public universities that opened its own clinic. The University clinic is one of the leading medical and diagnostic complexes in the country, providing all types of medical care to the population. 
    The clinic provides its faculty to students and residents of medical and international medical schools and colleges. This is a dynamically growing project aimed at providing high-end, 24- hour medical care on an ambulatory end emergency basis. There had been introduced a complex of the latest cytogenetic methods to study a wide range of bone marrow, lymphocyte, chorionic villi, amniotic fluid, umbilical blood cells. The methods mastered allow verifying congenital genetic abnormalities at the earliest stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks).

This journal publishes information about successfully developing universities in the world.
