Individual brand developed

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Individual brand developed


Students of Arts Faculty  Aizhan Zhunusalieva, Samara Rakhmanalieva and Gulnur Zainabidin kyzy developed an individual fashion brand.
The dean of the faculty Nurabidin Marazykov supported the students and appointed Khatam Makhmudov, a clothing designer and teacher, as their mentor. Under his guidance, the girls sewed 5 pieces of hoodie samples.

One of the design students, Samara Rakhmanalieva, noted: “Everything starts small. Creating own brand was our goal from a long time On November 30, 2021, our aspirations came true. The brand was named Sarkech.
It was very difficult at the beginning. Now we are producing more than 100 pieces of hoodies."

Currently, students are studying in the 4th year of costume and textile arts.
