Film Academy students made 4 short films

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Film Academy students made 4 short films


    Osh State University Film Academy students made 4 short films "Apple", "Cleanliness", "Corruption", "Artist" and presented them to the audience. Students themselves wrote, filmed and edited scenarios for short films.

   Students prepared films as a result of a 1-week master class. It is hosted by the People's Artist of Kyrgyzstan, famous actor Murat Mambetov, well-known cameraman of the CIS Adilet Akmatov, screenwriter Naizabek Sydykov, cinematographer Kanat Asanakunov and stuntman Ernist Tulenov. 
The trainers were awarded a gratitude letter from the rector for his contribution to improving the work of the film academy, the development of the university film industry. Certificates were also awarded to all students who actively participated.

In the future, students will use their knowledge to create their own short films and participate in national and international competitions.
