Postgraduate studies of OshSU were issued licenses

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Postgraduate studies of OshSU were issued licenses


   The Ministry of Education and Science has issued licenses to 100 postgraduate students in 15 specialties in Osh State University.   

Currently, more than 300 graduate students are studying and conducting research work in graduate school. 117 scientists provide scientific guidance, of which 110 are doctors of science, professors, 7 are candidates of science, associate professors.

44 doctors of sciences, professors and 5 candidates of sciences, associate professors of Osh State University are scientific supervisors for applicants. From other universities and scientific institutions, 66 doctors of sciences, professors and 2 candidates of sciences, associate professors are engaged in scientific supervision. There are many well-known scientists, academicians and corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic among the scientific supervisors.

Специальности, получившие лицензии
