Experts of the MER project at the Uzgen International Medical College

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Experts of the MER project at the Uzgen International Medical College


   MER Project Expert, Professor Brigita Skela-Savich,  Nursing Education Project Coordinator A. Mambetova, Vice-Rector for Pre-University and Secondary Vocational Education of Osh State University T. Erkebaev, and directors of medical colleges visited Uzgen International Medical College of OshSU.

   The guests got acquainted with the material, technical and clinical bases of Uzgen International Medical College, clinical mentors and the educational process at the college.

   After seeing the conditions for the implementation of the pilot program in nursing, Brigita Skela-Savic reported that the facilities of the pilot curriculum corresponded to the full potential of the college to conduct the educational process and training seminars will be held for clinical mentors and teachers.
