G.M. Anarbaeva made a report at the International School of Academics

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G.M. Anarbaeva made a report at the International School of Academics


The International School of Academics heard a report titled "Preparation of Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel in the Kyrgyz Republic: Situation, Problems, and Future (as an Example of OshSU)" from the head of postgraduate studies at OshSU, docent G.M. Anarbaeva. The National Attestation Commission under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, organized the event, which took place in Cholpon-Ata from September 28 to 30, 2022.

The report included the graduate program at OshSU, as well as the experience of training scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff. The fundamentals of enhancing the university's training of scientific and pedagogical staff, including strategic activities for the growth of scientific activity and its outcomes, as well as concerns with offering extensive financial incentives, were emphasized. The effectiveness of the post-graduate institute, the training of scientific workers, development issues, and normative acts were all suggested with proposals and tasks.

Leading experts and scientists from England, India, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan, representatives of Scopus, Web of Science systems, "Antiplagiat" company and the National Statistics Committee were invited, and they gave lectures, lessons, and trainings at the international school.

Over 40 OshSU professors, doctors of sciences, post-graduate students, and researchers actively took part in the event.
